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Vedicure Wellness Clinics and Hospital

  • Vedicure Wellness Clinics and Hospital

    Vedicure Wellness Clinics and Hospital

  • Vedicure Wellness Clinics and Hospital
  • Vedicure Wellness Clinics and Hospital
In the age of information and the expansion of our knowledge about the human body, health, and healing, the variety of healing techniques had greatly expanded.

The coming together of information from all around the world of methods both ancient and new is bringing exciting new possibilities in the health care world. We here at Vedicure recognize this potential and work to unite the methods that will bring the best healing to each and every one of our patients.

Founder and head doctor, Dr. Anil Patil uses his upbringing in an Ayurvedic family with his education in modern medicine to inspire Vedicure. Using a wide range of healing modalities including Allopathy, Ayurveda, Panchkarma, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Yoga, Physiotherapy, Reiki, Music Therapy, Hypnosis, Naturopathy Osteopathy, Magnetotherapy, Chiropractic, and finally Color Therapy. We work to find the best combination of these treatments to provide a powerful and fast-acting healing experience.

Began as a small humble clinic, providing a variety of health care methods to local patients, the clinic has now expanded to a citywide chain spreading to every corner of Mumbai.

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  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, North India
  • All year
  • Ayurveda Treatments
  • Yoga
  • None
  • None

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  • Address: 03 A Wing,‘D’ Building, Nr. Unit No. 26, Survey No. 169, Royal Palm, Aarey Milk Colony, Goregaon (East), Mumbai-400 065.
  • Vedicure Wellness Clinics and Hospital, Maharashtra
  • Website
  • Phone: 022-28726782 / 28741771

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